
American Hi-Fi este o formatie de rock americana din Los Angeles, California, care a provenit initial din Boston, Massachusetts. Formatia este alcatuita din vocalistul Stacy Jones, chitaristul Jamie Arentzen, basistul Drew Parsons si bateristul Brian Nolan. Inaintea formarii trupei, Stacy Jones era bine cunoscut ca tobosar al trupelor rock alternativ de succes Veruca Salt si Letters to Cleo. American Hi-Fi are o relatie apropiata cu Miley Cyrus, al carui formatie este alcatuita din trei sferturi din membrii trupei American Hi-Fi. Grupul are un stil muzical mixt care include infleunte din pop punk, rock alternativ si power pop.
The group issued its eponymous debut album in 2001, which lead to their hit single "Flavor of the Weak". After successful touring, they released the live album Rock N' Roll Noodle Shop: Live from Tokyo and then the full album The Art of Losing, in 2002 and 2003 respectively. The group was dropped from their label, Island Records, and they then moved to Los Angeles to remake their production and sound. Working with veteran music producer Butch Walker, they released Hearts on Parade in 2005. The band has toured since to a widespread fan base in Japan and in the U.S.
Trupa editeaza albumul cu acelasi nume in 2001, din care este extras hitul “Flavor of the Weak”. Dupa un turneu de succes, ei lanseaza albumul live Rock N’ Roll Noodle Shop: Live from Tokyo, dupa care albumul de studio The Art of Losing, in 2002, respectiv, 2003. Grupul renunta la casa lor de inregistrari, Island Records si se muta in Los Angeles pentru a-si reprocesa inregistrarile. Lucrand cu veteranul producator de muzica, Butch Walker, ei scot pe piata materialul Hearts on Parade in 2005. Formatia porneste intr-un turneu adresat unui mai larg numar de fani din Japonia si din State.
History/ Povestea trupei
Formation, self-titled album and The Art of Losing (1998–2003)
Infiintarea, albumul eponim si The Art of Losing (1998-2003)

American Hi-Fi ia fiinta initial sub numele BMX Girl, dar Jones schimba numele dupa o sugestie primita din partea lui Keith Richards de la Rolling Stones.
American Hi-Fi's released self-titled debut album through Island Records on February 27, 2001. It was an Allmusic 'Album Pick'. Critic Mario Mesquita Borges praised it and stated that "[t]he future of rock & roll is surely guaranteed with acts such as American Hi-Fi." The album reached #81 on the The Billboard 200 list and #1 on the Heatseekers list. The band also achieved a commercial breakthrough through their debut single, "Flavor of the Weak", which ran up the Hot Modern Rock Tracks, the Billboard Hot 100, and other charts.
American Hi-Fi lanseaza albumul cu acelasi nume la studiourile Island Records, pe data de 27 februarie, 2001. Albumul este remarcat de AllMusic. Criticul Mario Masquita Borges il elogiaza, declarand ca ,,viitorul rock’n’roll-ului este categoric garantat de aparitii precum American Hi-Fi”. Albumul ajunge pe locul 81 in top 200 Billboard si pe locul 1 in clasamentul Heatseekers. De asemenea, trupa cunoaste un succes comercial prin piesa lor de debut "Flavor of the Weak", care urca in topurile Hot Modern Rock Tracks, The Billboard Hot 100 si alte topuri.
In February 2003, the band released their second studio album, The Art of Losing. The album featured the successful singles "The Art of Losing" and "The Breakup Song" which made the band famous. The album was produced by producer Nick Launay, who worked with such artists as Talking Heads, Public Image Ltd. and Silverchair. It is when the album failed to reach the success of the band's first album, that the band was dropped by Island Records.
In februarie, 2003, formatia lanseaza cel de-al doilea album, The Art Of Losing. Albumul contine piesele de succes “The Art of Losing” si "The Breakup Song" care aduc consacrarea formatiei. Albumul este produs de catre producatorul Nick Launay, care mai lucrase cu artisti ca Talking Heads, Public Image Ltd si Silverchair. Pentru ca acest album nu se ridica la succesul primului, casa Island Records renunat la colaborarea cu trupa.
Hearts on Parade and label troubles (2004–2006)
Hearts on Parade si problemele cu casa de discuri (2004-2006)
In early 2004 and without a backing label, the band headed to Los Angeles, to begin work on a new album with producer Butch Walker. The album, Hearts on Parade, was released in Japan on July 14, 2004.
La inceputul lui 2004 si fara sprijinul unei case de discuri, trupa pleaca la Los Angeles pentru a incepe lucrul la un nou album impreuna cu producatorul Butch Walker. Albumul Hearts on Parad apare in Japonia pe 14 iulie, 2004.
In 2005, American Hi-Fi were signed by Maverick Records, a division of Island. Maverick helped promote the lead single from Hearts on Parade, "The Geeks Get the Girls", releasing it as a single for radio airplay and following with a music video in February 2005. American release of the full album was repeatedly delayed, finally occurring on April 12, 2005, almost a year after the initial release in Japan. Neither single released with the album broke into the Billboard Modern Rock charts. Fans complained that the new album was too pop. Maverick dropped the band in autumn 2005 citing poor record sales.
In 2005, American Hi-Fi semneaza cu Maverick Records, o diviziune a casei de discuri Island. Maverick ajuta la promovarea single-ului de pe Hearts on Parade, “The Geeks Get the Girls”, lansandu-l ca single pentru radiouri, dupa care urmeaza un videoclip in februarie, 2005. Lansarea din State a albumului se tot amana, in cele din urma acest lucru se intampla pe 12 aprilie, 2005, la aproape un an dupa lansarea oficiala din Japonia. Niciun single lansat de pe acest album nu intra in topul Billboard Modern Rock. Fanii se plang de faptul ca noul album este prea pop. Maverick renunta la contractul cu trupa in toamna lui 2005 invocand vanzarile slabe ale albumului.
In the winter of 2005, Playtone Records began seeking submissions for the Superman Returns soundtrack. The band submitted a demo, "The Rescue", which had been recorded for Hearts on Parade but was cut from the album. "The Rescue" was selected for the soundtrack and ran in promotions for the film. "The Rescue" also received frequent radio airplay into the spring of 2006, but did not result in a new record contract for the band.
In iarna lui 2005, Playtone Records incep cautarile pentru realizarea coloanei sonore a filmului Superman Returns. Formatia trimite un demo, “The Rescue”, care fusese inregistrat pentru albumul Hearts on Parade, pentru ca mai apoi sa fie scos de pe album. “The Rescue” este ales ca soundtrack si ascultat in prezentarea filmului. “The Rescue” are parte si de difuzare frecventa la radio in primavera lui 2006, dar acest lucru nu duce la semnarea unui nou contract cu o casa de discuri pentru trupa.
Fight the Frequency and creation of Hi-Fi Killers label (2006–present)
Fight the Frequency si infiintarea casei de discuri Hi-Fi Killers (2006-prezent)
In December 2006, Parsons and Jones met for plans for a follow-up album, the plans were put on hold due to Jones' busy schedule and Arentzen's plans to join Butch Walker's touring band in Spring 2007.
In decembrie, 2006, Parsons si Jones se intalnesc pentru planificarea albumului urmator, planurile sunt intarziate din cauza programului incarcat al lui Jones si din cauza planurilor lui Arentzen de a canta cu Butch Walker in turneul acestuia in primavera lui 2007.
In decembrie, 2006, Parsons si Jones se intalnesc pentru planificarea albumului urmator, planurile sunt intarziate din cauza programului incarcat al lui Jones si din cauza planurilor lui Arentzen de a canta cu Butch Walker in turneul acestuia in primavera lui 2007.
In April 2007, American Hi-Fi announced that the band would record their fourth record in May 2007. Soon after, former drummer Brian Nolan re-joined the band for their follow up and will stay in the band until further notice.
In aprilie 2007, American Hi-Fi anunta ca va inregistra cel de-al patrulea album in mai, 2007. La scurt timp dupa, fostul baterist, Brian Nolan, reintra in formatie temporar, dupa care ramane.

Pe data de 8 ianuarie, 2008, American Hi-Fi lanseaza doua noi piese pe pagina lor de MySpace, ambele fiind mixaje neterminate de pe cel de-al patrulea album. “Keep It Like a Secret” este prima piesa lansata, urmata de “A Taste for Crime”. Liderul trupeil, Stacy Jones descrie noul album declarand ca suna “… putin in genul lui Elliott Smith la o bauta cu Foo Fighers, My Bloddy Valentine si cu Superdrag”. Trupa scoate opt piese demo, dintre care cateva sunt inregistrate live neprelucrate, pe pagina de MySpace, printer care “Fight the Frequency”, “Frat Chump”, “Acetate”, “Bullet”, “This Is a Low”, “Recover the Stars”, “Lost” si “Where Loves Is a Lie”.
On December 4, 2008, Drew Parsons was interviewed about the band and its upcoming fourth record. Parsons talked about the struggles with their past two labels; Island Records and Maverick Records. He also pointed out that they had signed with Original Sound records and would be releasing a new record in April/May 2009. "The record is complete," says Parsons, "but now it comes down to selecting the songs that will make it on the record". However, later in the year, the band had decided not to go through with plans on Original Sound.
The new record will be released August 17, 2010.
Pe 4 decembrie, 2008, Drew Parsons este intervievat legat de formatie si de cel de-al patrulea album asteptat. Parsons vorbeste despre conflictele cu cele doua case de discuri anterioare; Island Records si Maverick Records. De asemenea, el subliniaza faptul ca au semnat cu casa Original Records si ca vor lansa un nou album in aprilie/mai 2009. “Albumul este gata”, spune Parson, “dar acum ne ocupam de selectarea pieselor care vor face parte din album”. Cu toate acestea, spre finele anului, trupa hotaraste sa nu continue cu Original Sounds.
Noul album apare pe 17 august, 2010. According to Stacy Jones in a recent interview, the band has created their own record label "Hi-Fi Killers/The Ascot Club" (through Megafice/RED/Sony) as a means of the band owning their music and to have more input and control for the overall direction and promotion of the band's releases.
Potrivit lui Stacy Jones intr-un interviu recent, trupa si-a infiintat propria casa de discuri “Hi-Fi Killers/ The Ascot Club” (prin Megafice/RED/Sony) pentru ca trupa sa poata avea drepturi de proprietate asupra realizarilor ei si pentru a putea avea mai mult control asupra directiei si promovarii propriilor materiale discografice.
In July 2010 the band released a new music video for the new single "Lost" as well as a EP on iTunes containing four songs, "Lost", "This is a Low", "Where Love is a Lie" and "A Taste for Crime". As well as a new fully developed website.
In iulie, 2010, formatia lanseaza un nou videoclip pentru noul single “Lost”, dar si un EP pe iTunes care contine patru cantece, "Lost", "This is a Low", "Where Love is a Lie" si "A Taste for Crime". De asemenea, apare un nou website foarte bine pus la punct.
Band members/ Membrii formatiei
Current members/ Membrii actuali
- Stacy Jones – lead vocals, rhythm guitar, drums (1998–present)
- Jamie Arentzen – lead guitar, backing vocals (1998–present)
- Drew Parsons – bass guitar, backing vocals (1998–present)
- Brian Nolan – drums, percussion (1998–2003, 2007–present)
Former members/ Fosti membri
- Jason Sutter – drums, percussion (2003–2006)
American Hi-Fi

1. | Surround | 3:11 |
2. | Flavor of the Weak | 3:08 |
3. | A Bigger Mood | 3:38 |
4. | Safer on the Outside | 4:01 |
5. | I'm a Fool | 4:00 |
6. | Hi-Fi Killer | 3:05 |
7. | Blue Day | 3:33 |
8. | My Only Enemy | 3:27 |
9. | Don't Wait for the Sun | 3:50 |
10. | Another Perfect Day | 3:38 |
11. | Scar | 4:03 |
12. | What About Today | 3:34 |
13. | Wall of Sound | 5:48 |
UK bonus track | ||
14. | Black Satellite | 3:29 |
15. | Still Sideways | 2:48 |
- "The Art of Losing" - 3:23
- "The Breakup Song" - 2:55
- "Beautiful Disaster" - 2:37
- "Save Me" - 3:55
- "Nothing Left to Lose" - 2:57
- "Teenage Alien Nation" - 3:01
- "Rise" - 3:11
- "This is the Sound" - 4:11
- "The Gold Rush" - 3:38
- "Built for Speed" - 2:48
- "Happy" - 4:04
UK bonus tracks
- "A Bigger Mood" (Live) - 4:21
- "Hi-Fi Killer" (Live) - 3:20
- "When the Breeders Were Big" - 3:48
- "Maybe Won't Do" – 3:26
- "Hell Yeah!" – 3:06
- "The Geeks Get the Girls" – 2:50
- "We Can't Be Friends" – 3:22
- "Something Real" – 3:50
- "Highs and Lows" – 3:17
- "The Everlasting Fall" – 3:29
- "Separation Anxiety" – 3:35
- "Baby Come Home" – 2:51
- "Where Did We Go Wrong" – 3:06
- "Hearts on Parade" – 7:55
Fight the Frequency
Released: August 17, 2010. Length: 44:03. Label: RED Distribution/ Hi-Fi Killers

1. | Fight the Frequency | 3:57 |
2. | This Is a Low | 3:57 |
3. | Where Love is a Lie | 3:51 |
4. | Acetate | 3:32 |
5. | Lost | 4:03 |
6. | Keep It Like a Secret | 3:09 |
7. | Frat Clump | 2:13 |
8. | Lookout for Hope | 3:18 |
9. | A Taste for Crime | 3:09 |
10. | Stargazer | 3:42 |
11. | Bullet | 3:55 |
12. 13. | Tiny Spark Recover the Stars (bonus track) Lyrics "American Hi-FI" Sorround I need a better way to get my head straight it's not like anybody would know gotta silver cloud high above me running circles around and round me Turn it up again we're going nowhere let the sound surround everyone I play the static with the noise in my head let the sound surround everyone Go out the deep end I've got nothing to prove I've got nothing better to do I'm so happy so fucken happy now that I'm far from the glare of the city Turn it up again we're going nowhere let the sound surround everyone I play the static with the noise in my head let the sound surround everyone Better way, better way, better way I need a better way I heard the white noise with waves in radiation they're falling from the sky Turn it up again we're going nowhere let the sound surround everyone I play the static with the noise in my head let the sound surround everyone Turn it up again we're going nowhere I play the static with the noise in my head and let the sound surround turn it up again let the sound surround uhhh... Flavor of the Week She paints her nails and she don't know, He's got her best friend on the phone. She'll wash her hair, his dirty clothes, Or all he gives to her. And he's got posters on the wall Of all the girls he wished she was. And he means everything to her. Her boyfriend, He don't know Anything About her. He's too stoned, Nintendo. I wish that I could make her see, She's just the flavor of the weak. It's Friday night and she's all alone, He's a million miles away. She's dressed to kill, but the TV's on, He's connected to the sound. And he's got pictures on the wall Of all the girls he's loved before, And she knows all his favorite songs. Her boyfriend, He don't know Anything About her. He's too stoned, Nintendo. I wish that I could make her see, She's just the flavor of the weak. Yeah. Her boyfriend, He don't know Anything About her. He's too stoned, He's too stoned, He's too stoned, He's too stoned. Her boyfriend, He don't know Anything About her. He's too stoned, Nintendo. I wish that I could make her see, She's just the flavor of the weak. Yeah she's the flavor of the weak. She makes me weak. A Bigger Mood I need a bigger mood to block out the sun I don't wanna see what I've become and you could fight your way give back what you really want it's nothing special anyway chorus: yeah you're always in my way I'm falling faster everyday yeah you're always in my way I gotta spit you out you bring me down everything just crashes to the ground cause you were always in my way I can feel a brake a bruise from another day it's hard to say just what I feel it all seems broken now when I'm stuck on the in between staring at something out of reach repeat chorus go! yeah you're always in my way yeah you're always in my way you bring me down everything just crashes to the ground cause you were always in my way cause you were always in my way cause you were always in my way yeah Safer on the Outside i'm no good i feel too small something's gonna burn sink on you drunken highways someone take the wheel [chorus:] faded in the blackout you left me in it's safer on the outside i'm swimming in this kerosene it's hard to breathe statics got me down i can't sleep i'm disconnected everything went wrong and certain stars are sad and bruised like someone's cheating heart [repeat chorus 3x] got me down, got me down, got me down safer on the outside, safer on the outside safer on the outside I'm a Fool got nothing to loose this time and I'm bored with the same old lines I never know what to do or what to say to you one look and you'll knock me out you put me on the floor with a ten count I don't wanna make a scene I gotta make you see that I've been waiting for a girl like you and I know there's nothing I could do chorus: don't wanna make you hurt don't wanna make you feel like the world ain't on your side like you're never gonna get it right no I can't fight I can't sleep at night just thinking about you girl I'm a fool for you yes I am you've been on my mind since I saw you walking by I knew I had to know you better you were everything but I didn't know what to say so you just walked away I couldn't believe what a fool I was to let you go cause that I've been waiting for a girl like you and I know there's nothing I could do repeat chorus yeah then I saw you at the beach talking with my friends I couldn't believe my eyes it was my lucky day so I just asked you out to the Forum to see No Doubt when you said you would go I thought I might explode cause that I've been waiting for a girl like you and I know there's nothing I could do repeat chorus (2x) yes I am I am a fool for you yes I am I am Hi-Fi Killer i wanna turn you on again turn you around and maybe then tune you out i don't know how to make it real what ever you want it's not big deal change my tone [chorus:] i gotta disappear don't wanna hear that sound on the radio yeah we could all hum along cause it's the same old song i don't know how to make it stop (go left to the dial) to really rock but i'm not sure yeah i'll kick it over anyway it's cool but your starting to decay it's in your face [repeat chorus] you could watch me come undone you could watch me come undone yeah you you could watch me come undone (two) freak you you could hum along, you could hum along you could hum along, you could hum along i wanna turn you on again turn you around and maybe then [repeat chorus] i gotta disappear don't wanna hear that sound on the radio yeah we could all hum along yeah we could hum along yeah Blue Day i wanna get out when everything's alright can't you see i'm a wreck gonna crash and burn i wanna get out i've done my time if you fuck with me i might blow your mind yeah i'm not qualified to answer anyone if the world can wait then why can't i you're not justified in what you do or say empty heads in a line yeah you're on your way [chorus:] i'm not asking for much just get outta my way i'm in the eye of the storm beautiful blue day [repeat 1st verse] [repeat chorus 2x] blue day [3x] My Only Enemy I don't ever try to keep the love alive I've found the frequency you sucked it out of me I'm not the only one to hold a smoking gun you felt the gravity you think you're finally free I don't even know which way it oughta go get out before you drown before they bring us down it's all inside of me my only enemy you sucked it out of me you fucked it outta me watch the world turn on watch the world turn on watch the world turn on my only enemy I want it all before you go I want it all before you go I want it all before you go I don't ever try to keep the love alive I've found the frequency you sucked it out of me you sucked it out of me you sucked it out of me my only enemy, my only enemy watch the world turn on watch the world turn on watch the world turn on my only enemy, my only enemy my only enemy, my only enemy my only enemy well fuck you, well fuck you Don't Wait for the Sun i don't need to know why cause tommorow i'll be fine i should learn to be still if i close my eye i'll realize what you meant [chorus:] don't wait for the sun it could turn black any day i lost my hat in the clouds when will the haze go away i never wanted this now it's all i've got someone else is keeping time i think i'm falling apart if you were me would you do it like i do [repeat chorus 2x] so don't wait for the sun don't wait for the sun don't wait for the sun it could turn black any day you're all that i wanted Another Perfect Day I'm holdin on waitin for your call it's simple but I can't explain this I'm sinking down I feel like I could die I'm falling off I don't know why I still believe it when you say, It's another perfect day another perfect day. I still believe it when you say, It's another perfect day another perfect day. So I might try to leave it all behind I know tomorrow's not so bright now I'll say goodbye cause nothing good can last you wear and fade, you're no where fast but today I don't know how to keep it all inside but I guess I'll let it slide. I still believe it when you say, It's another perfect day another perfect day. I still believe it when you say, It's another perfect day another perfect day. Today, I don't know why I thought that it was real but I guess it's no big deal I still believe it when you say, It's another perfect day another perfect day. I still believe it when you say, It's another perfect day another perfect day. I don't know how I don't know how I don't know how to let it slide... Scar I could hang around you could let me down again but it's killing me I can't waste a sound again you'll break me if you can you'll break me if you can Drag me down again it's hard to be your scar a frozen satellite you never got that far it's hard to be your scar be cool like you Every sorry lie I can't live that down no so you'll wait and see I'm caught between the seam and me you'll break me if you can you'll break me, break me if you can Drag me down again it's hard to be your scar a frozen satellite you never got that far it's hard to be your scar be cool like you I could hang around you could let me down Drag me down again it's hard to be your scar a frozen satellite you never got that far (never got that far) So drag me down again it's hard to be your scar a frozen satellite you never got that far (never got that far) Never got that far (never got that far) never got that far What About Today it's getting hard but you don't even know maybe you can't see i'm getting tired i've been still i'll panic on [chorus:] hearts are sinkin' blind yeah well you don't even know all you gotta do just stop and ask me silver, chrome and steel set the tone and set me out it's everything you want complete the failure no more to say what about today what's really going on and between the blind and blood shot eyes i'd thought i'd see my way see my way [repeat chorus] yeah you're getting awfully close yeah you're getting awfully close [repeat chorus] complete the failure complete the failure Wall of Sound it don't mean nothing when you say it's gonna be alright cause you'll tell me anything i wanna hear and it don't mean nothing when you laugh at my jokes cause it's all or nothing when i fall apart fade, fade, fade into you you're under my skin now i could shut out the world that we know i'll try to be everything you want me to be and i've gotta head start but i'm making the same mistakes cause it's all or nothing when i fall apart fade, fade, fade into you [chorus:] caught in the rush of the crowd lost in a wall of sound you were ringing in my ear caught in the rush of the crowd lost in a wall of sound you were ringing in my ear my ear fade, fade, fade, fade [repeat chorus] Black Satellite quicksilver and wax you don't have to ask, black satellite and i'm ok but every time you call i can't hear a sound so i'll try to stay but when i feel a wave i'm already gone quicksilver and wax you don't have to ask, black satellite just when i'm starting to crash i'll fastforward back, black satellite feet where I stand but everything's the same and watch me walk away and something's wrong you're nothing like before and im already gone quicksilver and wax you don't have to ask, black satellite just when i'm starting to crash i fastforward back, black satellite but i feel the same i'll get it straight and no more to say i'll get it straight back to nowhere quicksilver and wax you don't have to ask, black satellite just when i'm starting to crash i'll reach you at last, black satellite i think i'm starting to crash at last i think i'm starting to crash i think i'm starting to crash at last i think i'm startïng to crash Still Sideways And you need me every time, I'll wait it out for a while, But someone get me outta here. It's better now that I'm not around. Maybe you can see I'm still kinda sideways, I'm wasting away, And something's got me thinking... It might be nothing, But I'm wasting away. Maybe I'm just tired... Tomorrow never let's me see, But I don't know who you are. It's hard enough to feel this way. I'm holding on but you move too slow. Maybe you can see I'm still kinda sideways, I'm wasting away, And something's got me thinking... It might be nothing, But I'm wasting away. Maybe I'm just tired... No one can get inside, No way, no, not this time. It's too late to get it right, I'll try today. And you need me every time, I'll wait it out for a while, But someone get me outta here. It's better now that i'm not around. Maybe you can see I'm still kinda sideways, I'm wasting away, And something's got me thinking... It might be nothing, But I'm wasting away. I'll never let you see, Never let you see, Never let you see... Maybe you can see I'm still kinda sideways, I'm wasting away. "The Art of Losing" The Art of Losing Last call now I'm outta time And I don't got no valentine Singled out, now I stand alone The underdog in a modern world Suburbia is hot tonight But nothing seems to feel alright I don't want your sympathy I just need a little therapy At least that's what they say to me Hey ho let's go I'm gonna start a riot You don't wanna fight it One two fuck you Don't tell me what to do I don't wanna be like you Can't you see it's killing me I'm my own worst enemy Knock me down I'll keep on moving It's the art of losing Fit the mold and do what you're told Get a job and start growing old 9 to 5 can make your dreams come true But I don't wanna be like you I'm not cool and I'll never be I break the rules and I guarantee I don't want your sympathy I just need a little therapy At least that's what they say to me Hey ho let's go I'm gonna start a riot You don't wanna fight it One two fuck you Don't tell me what to do I don't wanna be like you Can't you see it's killing me I'm my own worst enemy Knock me down I'll keep on moving It's the art of losing You call me a loser Say I'm just a user But I'll just keep on moving Cause that's the art of losing Hey ho let's go I'm gonna start a riot You don't wanna fight it One two fuck you Don't tell me what to do I don't wanna be like you Can't you see it's killing me I'm my own worst enemy Knock me down I'll keep on moving It's the art of losing Wahhhooo (It's the art of losing) Wahhhooo (It's the art of losing) We're the kids We're the kids We're the kids in America We're the kids We're the kids We're the kids in America The Break Up Song I can’t believe I hung around with you All this time You drove me crazy with your ocd Girl your out of your mind I’m counting on ufo’s to beam me up I just don’t know How long I can take this shit I’m over it girl you gotta go It’s over were over Just like in crimson and clover Were sinking and I’m thinking How the hell did we get so stupid It’s the end ex girlfriend I don’t care what you think of me now So long your gone This is the break up song One more thing before you go Would you please give me my records back My bloody valentine, the pixies, cheap trick and back in black You can keep the dog we bought But you can’t go near the standard bar Don’t hang around Don’t call my friends They wont know who you are Its over we’re over Just like in crimson and clover Were sinking and I’m thinking How the hell did we get so stupid It’s the end ex girlfriend I don’t care what you think of me now So long your gone This is the break up song So long your gone This is the break up song Its over we’re over Just like in crimson and clover Were sinking and I’m thinking How the hell did we get so stupid It’s the end ex girlfriend I don’t care what you think of me now So long your gone This is the break up song So long your gone This is the break up song [x3] THIS IS THE BREAKUP SONG Beautiful Disaster I’ll make you a 5 star enemy I’ve taken a fall would you like to see Choke it down what a sound run away from me Keep on laughing girl do you see me Break it down now What chu want anyway Right about now What chu want anyway I’ll fuck it up again What chu want anyway We keep falling in love What a beautiful disaster Connect my skull to the socket burn baby burning like a rocket Cant sell no tell would you buy it Thick skin now don’t you wanna try it Break it down now What chu want anyway Right about now What chu want anyway I’ll fuck it up again What chu want anyway We keep falling in love What a beautiful disaster What a beautiful disaster [x3] Connect my skull to the socket burn baby burning like a rocket Choke it down what a sound run away from me Keep on laughing girl do you see me Break it down now [x2] Break it down now What chu want anyway Right about now What chu want anyway I’ll fuck it up again What chu want anyway We keep falling in love We keep falling in love Break it down now What chu want anyway Right about now What chu want anyway I’ll fuck it up again What chu want anyway We keep falling in love What a beautiful disaster What a beautiful disaster [x3] Save Me I’ve been so low Yeah I’ve been so strung out Can you picture this I’ll take something It’s better than nothing, anything That you’ve go to give I can’t let go I don’t want you to know I’ve been down so long Could you save me I’ll fight my way Just to hear you say If I go up in flames Could you save me The more you whisper The words keep stinging in my ear We’re never gonna be the same Sunshine fading and black sheets Raining down on me They cover up everything I can’t let go I don’t want you to know I’ve been down so long Could you save me I’ll fight my way Just to hear you say If I go up in flames Could you save me I’ve been so selfish I get so high Don’t wanna come down I’ve been so low Yeah I’ve been so strung out Can you picture this I can’t let go I don’t want you to know I’ve been down so long Could you save me I’ll fight my way Just to hear you say If I go up in flames Could you save me Yeah could you save me Oh could you save me Nothing Left to Lose Nothing left to lose Except you and your baby blues Microphone check this rhyme Pancho villa was a friend of mine I get fucked up holla back y’all And I kick it like Jackie Chan With my kung fu style I’ll get rid of you in a while (yeah) Hey hey hey All the bitches in the back C’mon c’mon get up get up (woah) I know you know its never forever C’mon c’mon get up get up (woah) You wanna hear I’m sorry whatever Now that you gone I’m moving on You wrecked it all There’s nothing left to lose Except for you Hell yeah Get my teenage kicks Pull in down boards like rodman All the lipstick chicks sing Na na na na na na I get fucked up holla back y’all And I rock it like Jackson Browne Let me tell ya right now what I like strippers better anyhow Hey hey hey All the bitches in the back C’mon c’mon get up get up (woah) I know you know its never forever C’mon c’mon get up get up (woah) You wanna hear I’m sorry whatever Now that you gone I’m moving on You wrecked it all There’s nothing left to lose Except for you There’ nothing left to lose except for you Go 1 2 C’mon c’mon get up get up (woah) I know you know its never forever C’mon c’mon get up get up (woah) You wanna hear I’m sorry whatever Now that you gone I’m moving on You wrecked it all There’s nothing left to lose Except for you Now that you gone I’m moving on You wrecked it all There’s nothing left to lose Except for you There’s nothing left to lose Except for you [x2] Teenage Alien Nation I want it all No matter what thought you heard me say No matter what you know you can’t escape today Is there any other way So what if you don’t like me I don’t give a fuck if you don’t like me I can change my lock It seems that I’m rotten to the core Forget about tomorrow You and me we’re going down in sorrow Youth of the nation going nowhere Station to station Teenage alien nation (woah) Teenage alien nation (yeah) It’s all wrong I guess that some of us have come and gone I guess we kinda shudda known it all along Never going anywhere Sometimes you gotta pick it up and roll the dice Your looking back and you don’t think twice Bout feeling lonely everyday Forget about tomorrow You and me we’re going down in sorrow Youth of the nation going nowhere Station to station [x3] Teenage alien nation [x4] Rise I don’t know what I can take Can you feel the pressure break I’ve been getting by on nothing How long so long Feeling like I lost my vision Transmission full of dead ambition Kinda sorta gotta get it together I can’t wait forever Rise out of the atmosphere I gotta disappear I gotta get out of here You got the best of me Rise up and outta here Into the stratosphere I gotta get out of here You got the best of me I could never be that clever Even though it’s now or never Counting down the seconds till it blows 4 3 2 1 Disappear without a trace Could I be in outer space Staring at the sun till I get how high so high Rise out of the atmosphere I gotta disappear I gotta get out of here You got the best of me Rise up and outta here Into the stratosphere I gotta get out of here You got the best of me Did I break down Can we slow down I wanna get out I don’t wanna be so bored Rise out of the atmosphere I gotta disappear I gotta get out of here You got the best of me Rise up and outta here Into the stratosphere I gotta get out of here You got the best of me You got the best of me [x8] This is the Sound Empty hearts can fill an empty room Because of you The sky above remains clear and blue It’s nothing new The radio keeps playing static or your favourite songs And why does everyone keep on bringing me back to you And this is the sound of the broken down And this is the last train home…….the underground And this is the fall don’t catch me if I fall Just catch me when I fall back to the ground Lightening crashes all around me now I hear its sound Broken down wings can carry us to where the people stare Fall asleep against the windowpane Outside the rain covers everyone Now we’re never gonna see the sun And this is the sound of the broken down And this is the last train home…….the underground And this is the fall don’t catch me if I fall Just catch me when I fall Don’t catch me if I fall back to the ground And if you wanted to stay I’ll have you any day And if you wanted to stay I’ll have you any way And this is the sound of the broken down And this is the last train home…….the underground And this is the fall don’t catch me if I fall Just catch me when I fall back to the ground And this is the sound [x2] And this is the fall don’t catch me if I fall Just catch me when I fall Don’t catch me if I fall back to the ground The Gold Rush She caught the gold rush I could never get enough She’s been in magazines What a little beauty queen She’ll stay a stick around a while With such a winning smile She could be in black and white I’m colour blind I’ll make it right Her head keeps spinning round I’m in over my head There’s an art to falling down Hey hey I got a message for ya You’re gonna blow it girl Stuck in your little world Fight fight till we get it right I got you right where I want you She caught the goldrush I must of lost my touch She’s on the movie screen Acting like a rocket queen She’ll so the long mile With such a winning smile Break it down forever I don’t want her anyhow Her head keeps spinning round I’m in over my head There’s an art to falling down Hey hey I got a message for ya You’re gonna blow it girl Stuck in your little world Fight fight till we get it right I got you right where I want you Golden girl She’s just a golden girl My little rocket queen On the movie screen Hey hey I got a message for ya You’re gonna blow it girl Stuck in your little world Fight fight till we get it right I got you right where I want you Hey hey I got a message for ya You’re gonna blow it girl Stuck in your little world Fight fight till we get it right I got you right where I want you Built for Speed She’s on fire like a rocket spinning out of control Try to stop her but you just don’tknow How to keep it inside Can you keep on turning out I’ll wait for my turn Same old story coz you never learn Gotta make it in time She don’t know what she does to me The girl got soul and rhythm in between I crash and burn like every other time She’s my little rock n roll queen I got a girl like that My baby’s built for speed Shoot to kill built to spill Got a mind take your pills But your never gonna get to what thrills All of us inside Can you put the pedal to the metal this time You gotta want it like I want it alright We gotta start tonight She don’t know what she does to me The girl got soul and rhythm in between I crash and burn like every other time She’s my little rock n roll queen I got a girl like that My baby’s built for speed She’s on fire like a rocket spinning out of control Try to stop her but you just don’tknow How to keep it inside She don’t know what she does to me The girl got soul and rhythm in between I crash and burn like every other time She’s my little rock n roll queen I got a girl like that My baby’s built for speed I got a girl like that My baby’s built for speed Yeah my baby’s built for speed [x2] Happy I see you in a daydream Turn it on now make a big scene You kiss you kiss when you want something Fake a smile now You got it all And that oughta get you nowhere What you say to me I know how to stay outta focus Keep your head down till the bitter end Make believe that you my best friend You trade passion for fashion Nothings cool like when we were cool And that oughta get you nowhere What you say to me I know how to stay outta focus You fall through to cracks of the city street You can’t see straight You can’t see straight I see you in a daydream Turn it on now make a big scene It makes you happy It makes you happy It makes you happy It makes you happy And that oughta get you nowhere What you say to me I know how to stay outta focus And that oughta get you nowhere What you say to me You fall through to cracks of the city street You can’t see straight You can’t see straight You can’t see straight When the Breeders Were Big Do you remember when the radio would play our favorite songs and we would sing along, got some records of 'Super Chunk And Hum'. Knew it all along. We never get along. I gotta try get you off mind but it never works every other time, I heard canon ball it brings me back to you on my stereo. Let cross some 'Sonic Youth' To back the sound and what we dig, make it like when 'The Breeders' were big, everyone would sing along, sing along our favorite songs I got a picture of a photograph of you, riding in my car playing 'Big Star' it's never growing old blasted mellow cold. Knew it all along we love the 'Sweater Song' To back the sound and what we dig, make it like when 'The Breeders' were big, everyone would sing along, sing along our favorite songs To back the sound and what we dig, make it like when 'The Breeders' were big, everyone would sing along, sing along our favorite songs To back the sound and what we dig, make it like when 'The Breeders' were big, everyone would sing along, sing along our favorite songs... Sing along Sing along Sing along Sing along... |
American Hi-Fi - Flavor of theWeek American Hi-Fi - The Art of Losing
American Hi-Fi - Another Perfect Day American Hi-Fi - The Break Up Song
American Hi-Fi - Beautiful Disaster
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