
Ash are an alternative rock band that formed in Downpatrick, Ireland in 1992. The band has sold 8 million albums worldwide.
Ash este o formatie de rock alternativ care s-a format in Downpatrick, Irlanda in 1992. Formatia a vandut pana acum 8 milioane de albume in toata lumea.
Band beginning, Trailer and 1977 (1992–1998)/ Inceputurile trupei, albumele Trailer si 1977 (1992-1998)
Ash officially formed in 1992, reportedly having taken their name from the first word they liked in the dictionary. They created three demo tapes that year, Solar Happy in June, Shed in September, and the Home Demo in November. These tapes featured their earliest material and the first recordings of some songs that were later on their 1994 release, Trailer, including "Intense Thing", "Get Out", "Obscure Thing," and their future single, "Jack Names the Planets".
Ash se infiinteaza oficial in 1992, dupa cate se pare luandu-si numele dupa primul cuvant care le-a placut in dictionar. In acel an apar trei casete demo, Solar Happy in iunie, Shed in septembrie si The Home Demos, in noiembrie. Aceste casete reprezinta cele mai vechi materiale ale trupei si primele inregistrari ale unor cantece care ulterior vor aparea pe aparitia discografica din 1994, Trailer, pe care apar piesele “Intense Thing”, “Get Out”, “Obscure Thing” si viitorul single “Jack Names the Planets”.
In 1993 Ash recorded the Garage Girl demo tape, which featured "Jack Names the Planets" and "Intense Thing" taken from Shed, as well as some new tracks including "Petrol". Following Garage Girl, they released their compilation demo tape, Pipe Smokin' Brick later that year, which featured an assortment of their best songs from the other 4 demo tapes. Downpatrick Musician Ray Valentine recorded Ash's demo's at his studio, Cosmic Rays. Ash's moniker at the time was "Genuine Real Teenagers," because they were so young when recording their early material. The demo tapes had not gained much attention yet and Ash were still playing small shows at local clubs, but in early 1994, Stephen Taverner came across the Garage Girl demo tape. Taverner put up the money so that they could press 1000 copies of "Jack Names the Planets" on Stephen's own LaLaLand record label. The band was on its way, and Stephen became their full-time manager.
In 1993 Ash inregistreaza caseta demo Garage Girl, pe care figureaza “Jack Names the Planets” si “Intense Thing” luate de pe Shed, pe langa inca vreo cateva piese printre care “Petrol”. Dupa Garage Girl, trupa lanseaza o compilatie demo, Pipe Smokin’ Brick spre finele anului pe care apare o selectie a celor mai bune cantece ale lor de pe cele 4 casete demo. Muzicianul Ray Valentine din Downpatrick inregistreaza primul demo al celor de la Ash in studioul sau, Cosmic Rays. Porecla celor de la Ash era pe vremea aceea “Genuine Real Teenagers”, deoarece erau foarte tineri cand au inregistrat primul lor material. Casetele demo nu atraseseara prea multa atentie, iar Ash inca mai sustineau concerte mici in cluburi locale. Taverner investeste bani pentru ca trupa sa scoata 1000 de exemplare din “Jack Names the Planets” la casa de discuri a lui Stephen, LaLaLand. Formatia porneste la drum, iar Stephen devine managerul lor plin.

Ash released their mini album, Trailer, in October 1994, which only included seven songs. They received some airplay from Steve Lamacq on BBC Radio 1 and so followed up their debut single with "Petrol", and "Uncle Pat" on their new label Infectious Records. In 1995, Ash left school and released their breakthrough singles "Kung Fu", "Girl From Mars" and "Angel Interceptor". The movie Angus was released, which featured two of Ash's songs, "Jack Names the Planets" and "Kung Fu," and served to introduce Ash to American audiences. The band had offered two other tracks that were cut, along with Pansy Division's Deep Water, which made the soundtrack but was cut from the movie due to time constraints.
Ash lanseaza mini albumul intitulat Trailer in octombrie 1994, care includeau doar sapte piese. Sunt difuzati la radio de Steve Lamacq la BBC Radio 1, dupa care inregistreaza piesele de debut “Petrol” si “Uncle Pat” la noua casa de discuri Infectious Records. In 1995, Ash renunta la scoala si lanseaza primele single-uri de success “Kung Fu”, “Girl from Mars” si “Angel Interceptor”. Aparitia filmului Angus beneficiaza de doua dintre piesele celor de la Ash, “Jack Names the Planets” si “Kung Fu”, lucru care ii ajuta pe Ash sa se faca cunoscuta publicului American. Formatia oferise inca doua piese la care s-a renuntat, impreuna cu piesa celor de la Pansy Division, Deep Water, care formau coloana Sonora dar au fost taiate din film din cauza constrangerilor legate de durata.
1996 saw them release the singles "Goldfinger" and "Oh Yeah" either side of their album 1977, which saw considerable success. The track "Lose Control" from that album was featured in the video game Gran Turismo. On 17 February 1997, Ash released Live at the Wireless, a live album, recorded at the Triple J Studios in Australia. The UK fans could buy a limited edition CD of it on the band's own Deathstar label.
In 1996 apar single-urile “Goldfinger” si “Oh Yeah” pe ambele parti ale albumului 1977, care are parte de un succes considerabil. Piesa “Lose Control” de pe acest album apare in jocul video Gran Turismo. Pe data de 17 februarie, 1997, Ash lanseaza Live at the Wireless, un album live, inregistrat la Triple J Studios in Australia. Fanii din Marea Britanie pot achizitiona un CD editie limitata de la propria casa de discuri a trupei, Deathstar.
Charlotte Hatherley, Nu-Clear Sounds & Free All Angels (1998–2004)
During their time touring with Weezer, Ash felt the limitation of a three-piece band. As a result they recruited Charlotte Hatherley who had previously been with the band Nightnurse and she made her gig debut at a few small gigs a week before appearing at the V Festival in 1997. The first single that she appeared on, "A Life Less Ordinary", featured on the soundtrack to the Ewan McGregor / Cameron Diaz film of the same name.
In timpul turneului cu Weezer, trupa Ash isi da seama despre posibilitatile limitate de exprimare ale unei formatii alcatuite din 3 membri. Drept urmare, este recrutata in trupa Charlotte Hatherley, anterior in trupa Nightnurse. Ea debuteaza in cateva concerte mici, cu o saptamana inaintea aparitiei la V Festival din 1997. Primul single cu Charlotte ,,A Life Less Ordinary”, figureaza pe coloana sonora a filmului cu acelasi nume in care joaca Ewan McGregor si Cameron Diaz.
In September 1998, Ash released "Jesus Says" the following month the second album proper, Nu-Clear Sounds, and in November "Wildsurf". The stress of near non-stop touring of 1977 and Nu-Clear Sounds began to affect the band's mentality. In 1999, Tim Wheeler disappeared for a short while following the commercial and critical failure of Nu-Clear Sounds. He eventually emerged in New York making the self-deprecating, blood, drug and sex fueled video for Numbskull. A note for Stephen Taverner attached to the video said, "I've killed Bambi".
In septembrie 1998, Ash lanseaza “Jesus Says” la o luna distanta cel de-al doilea album propriu-zis Nu-Clear Sounds iar in noiembrie „Wildsurf”. Stresul acumulat in urma turneelor non-stop de promovare a albumelor 1977 si Nu-Clear Sounds incepe sa-si puna amprenta asupra mentalitatii formatiei. In 1999, Tim Wheeler dispare pentru putin timp ca urmare a recenziilor defavorabile si a esecului comercial al albumului Nu-Clear Sounds. In cele din urma il gasim in New York lucrand la clipul Numbskull, un clip plin de autocritica, sange, droguri si sex. O observatie pentru Stephen Taverner care insoteste videoclipul spune ,,I’ve killed Bambi”.
Ash nearly became bankrupt as they prepared to release possibly their last album. Luckily, this was not to be the case. The band retreated to Wheeler's parents' house, to play and write songs in the same garage where the band began. The single "Shining Light" was released in January 2001, followed by the number one album Free All Angels in April. Subsequent singles released from Free All Angels were "Burn Baby Burn", "Sometimes", "Candy", and "There's a Star" . The single "Shining Light" won the "Best Contemporary Song" award at the 2002 Ivor Novello awards. A new single "Envy" was released, followed shortly afterwards by the singles collection Intergalactic Sonic 7″s with the bonus disk entitled Cosmic Debris. Q magazine named Ash as #2 of its "50 Bands To See Before You Die".
Ash ajung in pragul destramarii in perioada in care se pregateau sa scoata, se parea, ultimul lor album. Din fericire, lucrurile nu au stat asa. Formatia s-a retras in casa parintilor lui Wheeler, pentru a lucra piese noi, in acelasi garaj in care debutasera. Single-ul “Shining Light” este scos pe piata in ianuarie 2001, urma de albumul nr. 1 Free All Angels in luna aprilie. Single-urile urmatoare de pe Free All Angels sunt ”Burn Baby Burn”, „”Sometimes”,”Candy” si ”There’s a Star”. Single-ul ”Shining Light” primeste premiul „Cel mai bun cantec contemporan” la decernarea premiilor Ivor Novello din 2002. Apare un nou single intitulat ”Envy”, urmat la scurt timp de colectia de single-uri ”Intergalactic Sonic 7” cu un disc bonus intitulat Cosmic Debris. Q Magazine asaza Ash pe pozitia a doua in lista cu „50 de formatii pe care sa le vezi inainte de a muri”.
In 2003, it was leaked to the music and tabloid press that Ash were working on a horror film described as a 'teen slasher'. The film, called Slashed, was shot while the band were on tour in America but some scenes were also shot in the UK. The screenplay, written by Jed Shepherd and directed by Alexander Marks included star roles by Chris Martin (Sherbet Bones) and Jonny Buckland (Agent Ford) of Coldplay as a pair of FBI agents hired to track down a supernatural serial killer. Other star performances include that of Moby, James Nesbitt, Dave Grohl and Ash themselves. The film was much hyped due to the celebrity performances but it was never generally released to the public and is currently being held in storage. Rumours circulated that certain scenes were too gory and would not be suitable for Ash's audience, but it was also said that Chris Martin vetoed its release due to scenes of him running around in his boxer shorts, covered in blood, fighting demons which may have been detrimental to his new celebrity status.
In 2003, s-a scurs in presa muzicala si in tabloide informatia conform careia Ash lucrau la un film de groaza descris ca ,,un spintecator de adolescenti”. Filmul, intitulat Slashed, este turnat in timp ce trupa se afla in turneu in America, dar cateva scene sunt filmate si in UK. Scenariul scris de Jed Shepherd si regizat de Alexander Marks includea staruri precum Chris Martin (Sherbet Bones) si Jonny Buckland (Agent Ford) de la trupa Coldplay in rolul a doi agenti FBI chemati sa dea de urmele unui ucigas in serie supranatural. In alte aparitii din film in gasim pe Moby, James Nesbit, Dave Grohl si chiar cei din formatia Ash. Filmului i s-a facut o publicitate exagerata datorita aparitiilor vedetelor din lumea muzicala, dar nu a fost niciodata lansat oficial pentru publicul larg, iar in clipa de fata se afla la pastrare. Zvonurile vorbesc despre faptul ca anumite scene erau prea sangeroase si nu se pretau la fanii Ash, dar s-a mai spus si faptul ca Chris Martin s-a opus lansarii filmului din cauza scenelor in care el apare alergand in boxeri, acoperit de sange si luptandu-se cu niste demoni, imagini care ar fi putut fi in detrimentul prospatului sau statut de vedeta.
Meltdown and Hatherley's departure (2004–2006)

On 20 January 2006, Hatherley left the band after nine years leaving only the original members remaining. An official statement reads: "After 9 years Ash and Charlotte Hatherley have mutually agreed to part company. The decision is completely amicable and they wish each other the very best for the future". In an interview in July 2007, the other band members suggested they asked Hatherley to leave as they "wanted to be a three-piece."
Twilight of the Innocents, 1977 & A to Z Singles
On 6 June 2006, NME reported that Ash were in a New York recording studio and had twenty seven "rough" songs. Wheeler hinted that the eventual album was likely to be more retro sounding than any of their previous material. No shows were planned for the remainder of 2006, but Wheeler stated that they were hoping to test out their new songs "in tiny New York bars" once the album was complete. In early 2007, Ash announced a full-length UK tour for February and March. The tour was a warm-up for their album release in June and their summer festival appearances, including the Isle of Wight Festival on 9 June 2007.
On the 19 February 2007 Ash released the first song from their new album, titled Twilight of the Innocents. This new material was a download-only sneak preview track called "I Started A Fire". The first physical single "You Can't Have It All" was released on 16 April 2007. The release of "You Can't Have It All" coincided with an in-store gig and signing session at Virgin Megastore in Belfast. The music video for the song debuted on MTV Two on 11 March 2007. Two further songs from the album, "Polaris" and "End of the World", were issued as singles in June and September, respectively.
On 12 June 2007 Ash revealed that Twilight of the Innocents would be their last album. They also denied that they were splitting and instead stated that they would only release singles from now on as "(t)he way people listen to music has changed, with the advent of the download the emphasis has reverted to single tracks".
With the return to their original three-piece line-up, the band had been mainly performing material from albums 1977 and Twilight of the Innocents, this led to the band performing at London Roundhouse on Friday September 5 and Saturday September 6, 2008, which saw the band perform 1977 in its entirety. Both shows sold out and the band went on to release a 3-disc special edition version of the album, featuring remastered and re-edited versions of the tracks, as well as tracks from Trailer and live performances from the time of its release.
In late 2008, the band stated they had been writing and recording new tracks, bassist Mark Hamilton stated, "we’re just taking track at a time and seeing what happens, no limits to where or what it’ll sound like. A few of the songs are barely recognisable as Ash which is pretty exciting to see how people react when they hear them."A number of track titles were also revealed including "Neon, part 2".
On 16 April 2009, Ash announced they were to play a one-off gig at Bloomsbury Ballroom, London, to preview new tracks and start promoting their new material. An additional date was also added at the same venue a few days later, along with a handful of warm-up shows. The first single to be released was announced on April 30 titled "Return of White Rabbit". The three band members hand created 178 sleeves each for the physical singles, each of which will be available to win in different competitions being run through the band's website. On May 18 it was announced that the band would be releasing 26 singles, one every fortnight for the rest of 2009, known as the A to Z singles series. In August 2009 they played at the Hevy Music Festival in Folkestone. In June 2010, they headlined the John Peel Stage on the last night of Glastonbury Festival.
In September 2010, Ash made their first appearance in South Africa to support local rock group The Parlotones on the South African leg of their world tour. Ash made an appearance on the South African Idols and have also appeared on various South African radio and television stations, including locally popular MK.
The band set out as a three piece originally, later recruiting Hatherley as a second guitarist. After nine years in the band, Hatherley was asked to leave so that the band could once again return to a three piece. Without a second guitarist some of the material from Meltdown, Free All Angels and Nu-Clear Sounds has not since been played, while various singles and material from the albums Twilight of the Innocents and 1977 have made up the majority of material performed recently. McMurray, after the departure of Hatherley has taken over a lot of her backing vocal duties, whilst Mark provides backing vocals occasionally in studio, but not live. The band have stated that whilst there are no immediate plans to tour with the material written and recorded with Hatherley still in the band, "never say never", and that there was a possibility they may at some point tour with Hatherlay again, in NME in June 2009 Hatherley also commented on the split stating her and Wheeler were regularly talking, and that playing together again was a possibility in the future.
Band members
- Tim Wheeler – lead vocals, lead guitar, piano/keyboards (born 4 January 1977, Downpatrick, Northern Ireland) (1992–present)
- Mark Hamilton – bass, synthesizer, backing vocals (born 21 March 1977, Lisburn, Northern Ireland) (1992–present)
- Rick McMurray – drums, vocals (born 11 July 1975, Downpatrick, Northern Ireland) (1992–present)
- Russell Lissack - rhythm guitar (born 11 March 1981, Chingford, England) (2010-present)
Former members
- Charlotte Hatherley – guitar, piano, backing vocals (born 20 Jun 1979, London, England) (1997–2006)
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